Welcome to Ken-Welch.NZ |
Why not know for sure? Set up in honour of, and to continue the work of, the late Ken Welch. His original home page. A political blog using Reverse Speech to spy on political VIPs and others involved in political pursuits. I bypass political lies with the work I do. I hope you like what you find on this blog, the only one of it's kind on the Web. Finally, nobody owns or controls me. Thanks, Dom. Anonymous contact: https://fncontact.com/Z0rw | |
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Ken's killer virus related commentary (MP3): "ken-what he would do-virus" | ||||
14 March 25Putin's latest brief commentary - in RussianIt's not often I can find a speech by Putin which is only in Russian. I found this speech and have recorded about 8 minutes of Putin speaking in Russian. When I examined his New Year '25 Russian language message I found English language Reversals - much to my surprise. So, with this latest set of remarks from him, I hope to find some English based intel. I have yet to start work on Rubio's remarks. 13 March 25Ukrainian intelligence has paid a visitThey will have seen the below post. USA Sec of State Rubio's remarks on UkraineI have the audio for these remarks and will examine today. I think these are a separate set of remarks to the below. 12 March 25Welcome new visitorFrom Argentina NSA Waltz speaks in Saudi ArabiaI examined these remarks. Forward: ...a full ceasefire.. (PERHAPS ITS BULLSHIT)
So, what is the ceasefire talk really about then? Forward: ...the other piece/peace... (EASTER LIE)
Interesting. 11 March 25JD Vance's speech at the Cities venue - ('Times are bad')I examined this speech. Times sure are bad for most of
the world Mr Vance. Question is, as a member of a powerful
government, what are you planning on doing to solve the problem? Forward: ...between a massive... (THIS TIME THEY NUKE YOU)
There is no indication that GAMBIT/EASTER/Hiroshima is back in action again. NUKE in this setting might be a metaphor. Forward: ...to have this mass... (TIMES ARE BAD)
General CommentaryWhen the late Ken Welch launched his web site in 2006 (19 years ago), he had detailed reports with lots of Reverse Speech based intel. Nearly 20 years on I am finding that I am not getting a lot of intel from Reverse Speech examination of political subjects. I think this is deliberate on the part of the Powers That Be. All you have to do is deny someone information and that is happening. I suspect that most Western governments around the world know about Reverse Speech and it's implications as well as potential. 9 March 25UK PM's House of Commons statement on UkraineForward: ...and yet I do feel very strongly... (YOU MUST ?? WITH THE CHINA)
Forward: ...because if we do not... (ON WITH JUPITER)
Referencing the forward speech, it seems that operation Jupiter
is important and carries with it a risk of problems if not
implemented. Trump's Oval Office remarksA second reference to operation Jupiter, found from these remarks. Forward: ...and it's a big deal that why... (DON'T DELAY JUPITER)
It's not clear what code name "Jupiter" is. 6 March 25Trump's address to Congress - ('All set - get Dom')Some interesting intel found. (I examined all of the 2 hour long speech). No war thoughts found and nothing on Ukraine. Forward: ...appalling waste... (KILL THE LAW)
Forward: ...God to make... (GAMBIT DIE)
He wants to see the nuclear 9/11 plot come to an end. Houston won't make this happen. Forward: ...most successful... (ALL SET - GET DOM)
Ok, I need to be on heightened alert. The USA government has been assured that operation to deal with me will work. Forward: ...profound change... (YES - SNIPER)
Forward: ...really for... (THE FLU)
Interesting. French President Macron's address to the French nationI managed to find a French only version of his address. I look forward to doing Reverse Speech on it to see if I find English Reversals. 4 March 25Dr Steven Greer of the (UFO) Disclosure ProjectThis is the Dr Steven I referred to below. 3 March 25UK PM's London Ukraine Summit Speech - updateThe reference to a spaceship has me in deep thought. Has something changed in the last few days? My reading of the below intel is that the European head of governments have worked out that in order for Easter (aka nuclear 9/11) to happen, E.T. (extra terrestrial) has to be fought and the battle must be won. Has the US government built it's secret space force sufficiently enough that it can try and take on E.T. again? The late Ken Welch figured that they have. This was in 2010. Is the nuclear 9/11 plot on hold? It seems to me that it is, for Starmer is keen to make it happen, when it can (GO EASTER). Otherwise, humanity will witness governments failing (and they already are), hence the Reversal WHERE'S EASTER BUT THEY'RE FAILING. I think Starmer and his colleagues are keen to work with Trump to deal with E.T. (alien forces) (NOW SPACESHIP). This may require an element of official disclosure about what the USA government knows about E.T. Dr Steven Greer and many others in the Disclosure movement will be pleased. Remember, as the late Ken Welch found, humanity is supposed to be placed under a global feudalistic type of rule (tyranny). And a nuclear 9/11 will be provide the much needed political justification for it. It's just that E.T. appears to be stopping it. Maybe we should be
pleased about this?? Forward: ...and to keep work(ing)... (GO EASTER)
Forward: ...in the event of a peace deal... (WHERE'S EASTER BUT THEY'RE FAILING)
Forward: ...this shared plan... (NOW SPACESHIP)
Trump and Zelensky argument - updateI couldn't work with most of the audio as two people were speaking for most of it. However, "You're gambling with world war three" was spoken clearly by Trump. I have reversed this and below is what I hear: Forward: ...with world war three... (YOU SO SLOW TO)
Forward: ...you're gambling... (YEAH MAYBE)
The sentence is broken into two parts because there are two
separate phrases in the Reversal. 2 March 25Jim Stone has received intel about a Israeli strike on IranCheck out his blog for more info. Someone from Israel has 'pinged' this blogFrom a look at my stats I can see that there is a visitor from Israel but no data for this visit. I suspect that they just 'pinged' this blog. Trump and Zelensky argumentI have the seven minute clip of the actual argument and will examine it for interest. UK PM and Trump gave a press conference - updateI have another reference to Easter
(aka nuclear 9/11) and it is FORFEITED (i.e. cancelled). Forward: ...important for the... (EVIL CAN GO)
Forward: ...it was my privilege and honour... (I'M ON THIS - DELIVER DOM TO ME)
Forward: ...more than ever... (I BANNED A BOMB)
Forward: ...to keep people safe... (YEAH FORFEIT EASTER)
1 March 25Trump and Zelensky argumentThe full press conference has been cancelled. However, I have the hour long Oval Office press meeting and will examine that. 27 Feb 25Israeli PM's speech in IsraelSome interesting intel from the Israeli PM. I have found out that there is outer space exploration going on. Forward: ...Hebrew... (I'LL DIE FOR MARS)
Forward: ...Hebrew... (I LOVE THE SHOW BUT NO MONEY)
Forward: ...Hebrew... (MAHMOOD GOT THE MISSILE)
Forward: ...Hebrew... (THERE'S A HUNTER BOMB)
Forward: ...Hebrew... (THEY GO ON MARS)
Forward: ...Hebrew... (EVIL NOW END THE WAR)
It's not clear what war he is referring to. It's possible that it's the failed Iran war but it could be the Gaza one. 26 Feb 25UK PM's defence spending remarksI examined the opening remarks of Starmer from this press conference.Forward: ...further more the... (THE BOMB WITH HER)
Hmm. Interesting. Forward: ...so mark my words... (GO DOWN UNDER)
Australia or New Zealand.....its not clear which country. Forward: ...whether it keeps our country safe... (YES, YOU MUST HAVE EASTER THOUGH)
A philosophical reflection on the Easter event - now known to be cancelled. The nuclear 9/11 would have required the declaration of Martial Law and a nationwide lockdown. Content updateI have removed the late Ken's Iran and IDF commentary. No further downloads are taking place for these two MP3s and furthermore, war with Iran does not seem to be on the agenda. If you still want to see the content, open up a search engine and you'll be able to find the links from there. The MP3s are still in the Downloads section. 25 Feb 25Macron and Trump's press conference - update ('One germ - lets start it)Is a (small) pandemic being planned
and some aspect of the operation already underway? I have ONE
GERM - LETS START IT. Forward: ...one month and... (LET DOM KNOW)
So, the NSA or NZ's GCSB is going to 'message' me in some way about an event that's about a month away? Forward: ...permanent peace... (SEE THE NIMMER)
Forward: ...the cost and burden of... (ONE GERM - LETS START IT)
UK PM Starmer's remarks at Ukraine meetingSome very good intel from UK PM
Starmer. Forward: ...a US back stop... (OR STOP KOREA)
Forward: ...I'm clear that the G7 should... (MISS THE BEST EASTER - BUT THERE'S NONE)
Forward: ...in this crucial moment... (NIMMER WILL CHOOSE? SYDNEY)
The Australian city of Sydney is a focus of the Nimmer's. A false-flag terrorist attack maybe? Forward: ...that we mark this... (IT'S ON JUPITER)
Some outer space exploration going on? Forward: ...we must keep dialling up... (TIMEOUT/I'M OUT HOUSTON)
The first part of this could be TIMEOUT or I'M OUT. It's hard to
tell. Macron and Trump's press conferenceI have the audio for this press conference and will examine soon. Some interest shown in the Anonymous Contact formA number of people have visited it but no messages left. 24 Feb 25Forthcoming White House visitsI understand that French President Macron is visiting and then UK PM Starmer follows afterward. Hopefully there will be press conferences. Trump's remarks at CPAC '25From a look at the first 10 minutes of his remarks, I have no intel. 23 Feb 25From the past - a piece on Covid![]() Listen to the above: The above material is now four years old. What I take from the above is the virus called 'Coronavirus' was deliberately released out into the public by the government. Also, the government had the ability to kill it (the virus, that is). For the time, the government found that the people could not figure out what the government was up to. Now, in '25, it appears a pandemic is back on the clandestine agenda. Blog cleaned upI have trimmed this page to make way for new content and to free up disk space. Download this page before the content trim. Trump's governor's meeting remarksFrom examination of the first 10 minutes of his remarks, I have the following intel: Forward: ...screamed at... (BAN NUKES)
Interesting. Forward: ...they had no money or... (ELON WAS DEAD)
Not a nice thought about Elon. He's actually a nice guy sir! Trump's Mar-a-Lago remarksFrom examination of the first 10 minutes of his remarks, I have the following intel: Forward: ...levels of fraud and... (THEY DANCE?? WITH ORWELL)
Orwell is the new political system to be installed at some point. Forward: ...very, very big... (GET THEIR GERM)
This is the second time I have heard the word GERM. I think the Pandemic that the late Ken Welch learned about is back on the agenda. Trump's various remarksTrump has given three lots of remarks with his CPAC '25 speech being his latest. I have the audio for his Mar-a-Lago remarks and his remarks from the Governor's meeting. Both occasions were long. I will only go through the first 10 minutes of his remarks. 22 Feb 25Zelensky's Munich Security Conf speech - updateSome good intel from Zelensky. Forward: ...by Putin... (THEY SHOOT DOM)
He knows about the planned attack on me. Forward: ...decreasing their... (HIDE YOUR? NUKE)
Hide the nuke from whom? E.T.? Forward: ...doesn't like weak... (YOU SELL THE GUN)
Forward: ...high enough for him... (MAKE YOUR SPY HERE)
Forward: ...is what guarantees... (SEE THEY'RE NOSEY)
Forward: ...to attack Ukraine... (YEAH WE HAD TO)
Admission of a false-flag operation against his own country? 21 Feb 25Iran promises to carry out Operation True Promise 3 soonIf it does happen I will go to Orange status. Zelensky's Munich Security Conf speechI am examining his speech now. 19 Feb 25U.S. Vice President JD Vance's Munich Security Conf speech - updateThree good pieces of intel from a 20
minute powerful speech on the subject - mostly - of free speech
and elections. Forward: ...Comisars warned... (NO HIROSHIMA)
This is clear. So, I'm looking at the third find of intel that tells me the nuclear 9/11 plot is off. Forward: ...to out of control migration... (THIS YEAR DOM MUST DIE)
Noted. Again and again. Noted. Forward: ...will secure very little... (WILL YOU EVER REST THE FLU?)
THE FLU is the key phrase here. 17 Feb 25US Sec of State meets Israeli PM NetanyahuNothing found from Netanyahu on this
occasion. Two from Rubio. Forward: ...of what the future... (?? EASTER? OVER)
I have yet to examine the Vice President's speech at Munich. EASTER OVER, if true, means that the nuclear 911 plot is off. I want to examine as many sources as possible over this find. Forward: ...that could then hold itself... (PLUS THE WAR ?? ??)
This is an unfinished phrase and it happens with Reverse Speech. 16 Feb 25Trump's press conference with Indian PM Modi - updateTrump understands that there is a plan to end the U.S. Dollar.
It's now a question of when it will happen and what manufactured
international crisis will accompany the ending of it. Forward: ...logically... (KILL THE DOLLAR)
Forward: ...security partnership and... (THE SPACESHIP? STOP THE NUKE??)
I'm treating this find as one to get further verification from other political VIPs. Also, this intel may be related to understandings contained within this report by the late Ken Welch. Forward: ...will deepen every... (YOU ?? THE PEOPLE)
USA Vice President JD Vance's Munich Security Conference SpeechI have the audio for this speech and will examine when I can. President Zelensky's Munich Security Conference SpeechI have the audio for this speech and will examine when I can. Lots of speeches to examine. |
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